Saturday, February 9, 2013

100 Book Challenge - Book 17 - Ruby Red

Book 17/ 100
Book: Ruby Red
Author: Kerstin Gier
ISBN: 978-0-312-55151-3
Pages: 324

All her life Gwen has been raised with the knowledge that her cousin Charlotte was destined to be a time traveller, one born with the gene that allows them to move through time. Charlotte had been raised and trained for it since birth. So when Gwen suddenly finds herself back in time she’s forced to wonder who got their sums wrong and who had lied to her.

Gwen is completely unprepared for time travel, she’s had none of the training, knows none of the rules. She’s also unprepared to meet Gideon de Villiers, an obnoxious, know it all, who’s her time travelling companion, and quite possibly the love of her life.

Add in a secret society whose members include people like Sir Isaac Newton, a couple of rogue time travellers who don’t want the secret society to complete its mission, and a ghost who haunts Gwen’s school, and it all means Gwen has a lot on her plate.

Rating… Oh, 5 out of 5 stars, this was a great story, I admit it did take a little getting into, but once there you just gotta know what comes next. There’s a scene where Gwen takes an uncontrolled trip back in time and sees a girl who looks a lot like her! And be warned, there’s a twist at the end :)

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