Sunday, February 17, 2013

100 Book Challenge - Book 19 - American Vampire

Book 19/ 100
Book: American Vampire (Vampire for Hire #3)
Author: J.R. Rain
ISBN: 978-1105089237
Pages: 306

Read as part of Samantha Moon by J.R. Rain (ISBN: 978-193785617-5)

Vampires, PIs, sick kids and kidnapped children, oh no!

Continuing on from the previous story in the series, we find Sam meeting her online confidant, Fang, and finding he’s a notorious convicted criminal, convicted of drinking a girl’s blood! But Fang is human, a vampire wannabe. A human who wants to become a vampire for real.

As Sam struggles to deal with that request, she finds her son becoming deathly sick, and the doctors have a hard time treating him. Sam’s developing psi abilities allow her to see the auras that surround people, and around her son she sees nothing but death.

While trying to determine if she should turn her son into a vampire to save him, Sam receives a phonecall from a frightened young girl, a young girl who tells Sam that her mom was killed by a bad man who is keeping her prisoner and hurting her.

Calling in some extra manpower, Sam works with the police, and three other PIs (all characters of the author), Jim Knighthorse, Aaron King (aka Elvis Presley) and Spinoza, to find the young girl.

Rating… 5 out of 5 fangs. I love this series, and the fact that it can crossover with the author’s other series, well, that’s just icing. It has the elements of supernatural, vampires, werewolves etc, but it’s obviously grounded in reality with the case of the little girl’s kidnapping and the sick son. Definitely worth giving the series a read if you can.

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