Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Time Out: DC Comics Ame-Comi Girls

Okay, so I collect comics, and today I got some new ones and thought it was a good time to review a mini-series that I've been enjoying, given the mini has ended and the ongoing series starts soon...

The series is from DC Comics, and it's called Ame-Comi Girls. It began life as a solely digital series, but DC, following their plan, are bringing it to print.

The Ame-Comi universe is one of, if you'll pardon the term, girl power. In this universe only the females have any super powers, and so we have a few twists that you might not expect.

So, lets look at the major players in this 5 issue series... And I'll be taking quotes from Comic Vine...

Wonder Woman

The story of Wonder Woman begins with the US Government discussing Themyscira (home of The Amazons) and the possibility of first contact. Moving to the island itself we find Diana in combat training, against her mother's wishes. Soon the island is invaded by the armed forces of man, prompting The Amazons to fight back. The fight is won with the hero of the battle being Diana herself, despite being forbidden to join the fight. As a result of the fight the Queen decides it's time to form a pact with the world of man, by sending Diana (in a skimpy outfit no less) as an emissary. While addressing the United Nations Diana is attacked by Cheetah, with the help of her lasso of truth Wonder Woman wins but in doing so draws the attention of the villainous trio of Duela Dent, Catwoman and Poison Ivy!


This story opens on Barbara Gordon and Carrie Kelley prepare for a night out, at least that's what they tell Jim Gordon, in reality they're hunting the bad guys, like Poison Ivy! During the fight Catwoman and Harley Quinn arrive, and the tables turn. Batgirl is taken prisoner and hauled off to Duela Dent's lair, while Robin seeks out help from Steel.

In Duela's lair, Batgirl breaks out of her cell and begins investigating, she comes across a room with monitors showing several other super powered people, namely, Wonder Woman, Power Girl, Supergirl and Dark Supergirl.

Duela Dent

We open on a flashback to Duela's past, the accident that scarred her face (think Joker from the movie The Dark Knight) and how her father (The Joker of that universe, non-powered of course) was killed by Jim Gordon. So Duela set out to make Gotham pay (in a gorgeous outfit I might add) but is thwarted by Batgirl.

Cut to now and we find Duela's team facing Batgirl in Duela's lair. The fight that ensues sees Batgirl losing, and then Catwoman disagreeing with Duela, with her fists. Meanwhile Robin and Steel are on the trail of the villains following a homing beacon planted on Harley Quinn, with the help of The Flash.

We soon learn that Duela is working for another... Brainiac! As Brainiac tells them bad girls what's going on we learn that she created Earth and has come back to harvest the fruits of her labors... An act that convinces Catwoman she's on the wrong side, so she helps Batgirl to escape...

Power Girl

We open on Power Girl rescuing Jimmy Olsen from pirates before cutting to Kara giving a presentation at her corp. A presentation that's interrupted by the Silver Banshies, who proceed to attack Kara. As the battle ensues we find that the Banshies are working for another, one who has a grudge against the alien Kara/Power Girl. But with her strength Power Girl soon wins out and sends the villain and his robot to The Phantom Zone.

As she's helping with the clean-up Power Girl sees an object falling to Earth, to the Kent Farm no less! Following it Power Girl finds a pod containing none other than Kara Zor El, Supergirl! As the two Kryptonians are becoming reacquainted they're interrupted by Manhunters, a Mecha-Police empowered by The Guardians. The Manhunters are there to arrest the Kryptonians as their vessels violated several intergalactic travel laws.

A battle ensues where the Manhunters and the Kryptonians are evenly matched. The fight is interrupted by a bigger evil arriving... Brainiac!


We open on a flashback to Power Girl's and Supergirl's fathers arguing with the ruling body on Krypton before returning to the present and the battle between The Kryptonians and the Manhunters is called off and the charges against the Kryptonians dropped as the old adage is put into force, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. The team begins to fight and are soon joined by the other super heroes, Robin, Steel, Catwoman and Flash. As the Manhunters and the heroes take on Brainiac's forces as Supergirl sends Power Girl after the control core at the center of the Earth and Supergirl herself goes after Brainiac!

But Brainiac is prepared for that, with Black Kryptonite gloves that turn Supergirl to evil! Now fighting for Brainiac, Dark Supergirl quickly dispatches the heroes only to be interrupted by Wonder Woman!

My Opinion

As I said, this series is all about Girl Power, and I love that idea. Not to mention that the outfits are GORGEOUS! I really can't wait for the on-going series to start.

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