Saturday, February 23, 2013

100 Book Challenge - Book 21 - Out of Time

Book 21/ 100
Book: Out of Time
Author: Monique Martin
ASIN: B0036Z9W00
Pages: 294

When Professor of Occult Studies, Simon Cross, finds an old watch amongst his late grandfather’s belongings, it throws him and his assistant, Elizabeth West, into an adventure that would not only change their views on the occult but their views on each other as well.

The watch is a time travelling device and it throws the two of them back it Manhattan in the 1920s, they have to find a way to blend in and survive until they can find a way back to their own time. Posing as a married couple they find jobs in a speakeasy part owned by a mysterious gangster. Jobs that lead them both closer to the answers they seek and closer to each other.

Rating… 4 out of 5 watches. While parts of the story moved a bit slowly, the overall story was entertaining, and you can’t help but grow attached to Simon and Elizabeth as their adventure unfolds. I’d recommend the book to anyone with a like of supernatural sci-fi.

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