Tuesday, January 1, 2013

100 Book Challenge - Book 1 - Bite Club

Book 1 / 100
Book: Bite Club (The Morganville Vampires #10)
Author: Rachel Caine
ISBN: 978-1-921880-09-4

Okay, book number 1 down… The Morganville Vampires book 10 Bite Club by Rachel Caine. Now, first things first, have you read the first 9 Morganville Vampires books? No, well, I’ll wait, you go read them then come back…
Done yet? No, okay, I’ll wait some more…
Right, Bite Club… I enjoyed it a lot, very interesting story that tied together a few threads from previous books, Mr Bishop, Kim, Michael and Eve and Shane and his dad, we learn a few things, and get baffled by Myrnin (which is not at all unusual).

The very basic plot… When a vampire starts teaching martial arts to humans and vamps, alarm bells should have rung… The martial arts training is a front for something much more sinister and bloody. When Shane gets caught up in the middle of it all and breaks ties with the inhabitants of The Glass House, his girlfriend Claire pulls out all the stops to rescue him and end the plot before all out war breaks out in Morganville.

Highlights (good and bad) of the book include Myrnin’s abysmal driving, Claire standing up to Myrnin, Shane and Claire’s psudo breakup, and Frank. Oh, and the very final end of Mr Bishop, a vampire so mean and vicious he makes Dracula look like a cuddly teddy bear…

Rating, I’d give it 4 out of 5 fangs. Would I recommend it? Most definitely I would, as long as you have indeed read the first 9 books in the series, although there is a primer at the beginning, it doesn’t fill you in on everything…

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