Thursday, January 24, 2013

100 Book Challenge - Book 11 - Bitter Blood

Book 11 / 100
Book: Bitter Blood (The Morganville Vampires #13)
Author: Rachel Caine
ISBN: 978-1-921880-18-6

Right, standard Morganville disclaimer, read the other books first :)

So, after the events of book 12 the vicious Draug have been defeated for good, sadly for the town of Morganville that means the vampires have nothing left to really fear. Sadly for the residents of said town, that means that things are about to get bad.

The founder, Amelie, swayed by Oliver, enacts harsher laws, reinstates hunting and requires all residents to carry identification cards that, for humans, include their blood type! It falls to Claire and her friends to discover the truth behind what’s going on before their town explodes.

Add to the mix a TV crew hunting ghosts and a friendly ghost, Myrnin threatening to leave town and then disappearing leaving Bob the Spider behind, things could get tricky, and not a little dangerous.

Rating, I’d give it a solid 4 out of 5 fangs. Would I recommend it? Most definitely. Like the last book there was some switching of POV, but unlike the last book, in this one it added to the story and helped it come together.

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