Tuesday, January 8, 2013

100 Book Challenge - Book 6 - The Summoning

Book 6 / 100
Book: The Summoning (Darkest Powers Trilogy #1)
Author: Kelley Armstrong
ISBN: 978-0-06-145054-9

Necromancers, witches, sorcerers, werewolves and ghosts, oh my!

I went into this book not having read anything about the series, literally, all I knew was that a couple of friends had given it 4 or 5 stars, and that was good enough for me.

The story follows Chloe Saunders, a petite fifteen year old girl who discovers she can see ghosts, the down side? They can see her too, and they know it. When she’s freaked out by a ghost in her school, the school demands she be sent for treatment, so her aunt and father check her into Lyle House. When there and the meds don’t stop the ghosts, Chloe begins to accept that she’s different.

With the help of the other patients at the house she begins to learn about her powers and how to use them. Her housemates are special too! But where there are special people there are those that wish to exploit them and use them, people like those that run Lyle House, when things come to a head what’s a girl to do?

Use everything she has at her disposal of course.

Rating… 5 out of 5 ghosts. I found this book to be a well written peek into the world of necromancers and other supernatural beings, and it raises some interesting ideas, like just how many of the people in mental institutions or on drugs are really hearing voices, what if they’re really hearing ghosts talking to them?

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