Saturday, January 5, 2013

100 Book Challenge - Book 4 - The Story Of X

Book 4 / 100
Book: The Story of X
Author: A.J. Molloy
ISBN: 978-0-552-16924-0

The Story of X is, as the title may suggest, the story of Alexandra, X to her friends, and her sexual awakening. It begins innocently enough, an encounter with the billionaire Lord Marcus Roscarrick and continues with his attraction to her, and ultimately to the dangerous parts of his life… Roscarrick is an initiate in the Mystery Religions, and if they have any chance of being together X will have to submit to the initiation rites too.

As she does, she finds herself awakening, and changing… Changing forever.

Now, normally, I’d go into more detail, but with this story we see a lot of the rites and rituals of the Mystery Religions, and you become involved in X’s journey, to tell of what happens feels almost like you’re violating the sanctity of them. So I will say this, I have had books that left me gasping, books that left me wanting more… But this, this book I think blew my mind completely.

Rating… 10 out of 5. Read it. If you’re over 18, read it. There are sex scenes and a few crude words, but that’s minimal.

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