Saturday, January 19, 2013

100 Book Challenge - Book 10 - Black Dawn

Book 10 / 100
Book: Black Dawn (The Morganville Vampires #12)
Author: Rachel Caine
ISBN: 978-1-921880-14-8

This book picks up where the previous one, Last Breath, left off, with the vampires and humans of Morganville at the merciless hands of the Draug.

With most of the town evacuated or killed, it comes down to a brave few to fight to discover a way to kill the vampires natural enemies once and for all. In the process Shane is captured by the Draug and held prisoner while they feed off him. With a daring rescue plan and the help of the police chief, the mayor and his sister, Eve, Michael and Claire set about saving him, but does he have enough sanity left to survive?

While still recovering Shane comes up with a master plan, a chemical that absorbs liquid and turns it to a powder. With that as a weapon there remains only one thing they need to figure out. How to kill the master Draug, and how to do it before Amelie succumbs to the virus ravaging her and turning her into a master Draug.

Rating, I’d give it a solid 4 out of 5 fangs. Would I recommend it? Most definitely, but like I said, read the rest first. I did find however, that the switching between POVs was a little distracting, I mean sure you have to do that for some bits to work, but I felt there were a few too many switches in this particular book.

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