Thursday, January 3, 2013

100 Book Challenge - Book 2 - The Prince

Book 2 / 100
Book: The Prince (The Original Sinners #3)
Author: Tiffany Reisz
ISBN: 978-0-7783-1410-3

Okay, before you read this book, and if you’re over 18 I HIGHLY recommend it, you have to read the first two books, The Siren and The Angel, you need the background.

Okay, this book is really three stories in one, We have our heroine (well, okay, lead female at any rate), Nora and her lover / boyfriend Wesley in Kentucky and we have Søren and Kinksley, the rulers of The Underground in New York and we have Søren and Kinksley boarding schoolmates who fall for each other in a rather kinky way. And so, I’ll do this review in three parts.

North: The Past - Søren and Kinksley

These chapters give us insight into how Søren and Kinksley met, how their bonds grew, how… How their love grew, but it’s a strange sort of love, Søren is in some ways broken, a true sadist. Kingsley at that time was a burgeoning masochist, a perfect match… Until Kingsley’s sister enters the scene and Søren marries her to keep from losing Kingsley.

North: Now - Søren and Kinksley

Someone is sending threats to the two most powerful men in The Underground, Kingsley has had his offices broken into, and a file on Nora Sutherlin stolen, Søren’s childhood home is broken into and his childhood bed burnt to ashes, Kingsley is sent a photo from their time at school, a photo that shows hints of the relationship, worried the two begin to investigate, and in some ways rekindle the relationship that had been cooled since Søren’s wife and Kingsley’s sister, Marie-Laure died, then Kingsley’s home is broken into and one of his pet rottweilers murdered,  Kingsley called on Griffin Fiske, a friend of Nora’s and a ranking member of The Underground, they soon find that Nora’s home has been broken into, her things trashed, and a message left, a message that tells Kingsley exactly who is threatening the most powerful people in The Underground…

South: Now – Nora and Wesley

Wesley, the Prince of Kentucky, heir to a million dollar horse business and farms, has brought the woman he loves, Nora Sutherlin, to his home to finally consummate the love he’s felt for the past two years, but they’re soon caught up in a mystery surrounding the death of a thoroughbred horse who was owned by a friend / client of Nora’s, between their blossoming love and sexual relationship they discover the truth and confront those involved. As the story comes to an end, Nora is kidnapped, and a message left behind… “Je vais tuer la salope” … I will kill the bitch.

Highlights… Where can I begin? With the first two books in places I was panting with anticipation, but this book, this one left me truly breathless, and at the end, begging for more. As with the first two books, it’s an emotional rollercoaster of love, sex, pain and torture, even if most of the pain and torture is consensual…

Rating… 10 out of 5 riding crops, seriously, this series is so worth your time, if you are even remotely okay with BDSM and kink, you will love this series and this book.

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