Saturday, January 12, 2013

100 Book Challenge - Book 8 - Good Christian Bitches

Book 8 / 100
Book: Good Christian Bitches
Author: Kim Gatlin
ISBN: 978-1-4013-1070-7

Okay, two points, one, this is quite a departure from my normal fare, and two, I love the TV show GCB and got the book just because the show was inspired by it. With that said, the book is quite different to the TV show.

The story follows Amanda Vaughn as, after tiring of her husband’s cheating ways, she divorces him and moves her two children back to Hillside Park, the place she grew up in. However there are those that are threatened by a wealthy, pretty, single woman, and they conspire to throw Amanda in the deep end by getting her to chair the Longhorn Ball, a charity event that was run into the ground by the previous chair. Run down so much there’s no money, bills to pay, no members willing to help and all the sponsors ostracized.

Coping with a surly son who would rather be back in California, a daughter who can’t see how to cope without organic foods and soy products in cattle country and a mystery suitor who sends fast cars, fancy outfits and charity cheques, Amanda must pull together an event that can get the Longhorn Ball back on track and take care of the Good Christian Bitches who conspire to take her down.

Rating… 3 out of 5 stars. The story, as I had said was a departure from my normal tastes, yet I enjoyed the story, I found I couldn’t wait to see how Amanda dealt with her rivals. I know there will be some that see the title and imagine that it’s disparaging of women and of Christian women in particular, but once you read it you begin to see that’s now what the story is about, the Good Christian Bitches in question are, in point of fact, not good at all, they’re gossips and in many ways vindictive, there are good reasons behind them of course, but one who believes in Him should be able to rise above and be kind and generous in the face of that.

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