Friday, January 11, 2013

100 Book Challenge - Book 7 - The Awakening

Book 7 / 100
Book: The Awakening (Darkest Powers Trilogy #2)
Author: Kelley Armstrong
ISBN: 978-0-06-145055-6

Chloe and her friends are on the run, with the diabolical Edison Group hot on their heels, their only hope is a friend of Simon and Derek’s father.

The story picks up exactly where The Summoning left off with Chloe a “guest” of The Edison Group. With the help of a dead housemate she and her nemesis / rival Tori escape and meet up with Simon and Derek. The four of them agree to go to New York to find an old friend of Simon and Derek’s father who is their emergency contact. With Chloe’s father offering a half million dollar reward for her return, and street gangs and wolf packs standing in their way, they use disguise and public transport to reach their destination, only to find it empty.

Rating… 5 out of 5 ghosts. Much as with The Summoning, I loved the story and the very premise, unlike The Summoning though this story has more action and adventure. We get to learn more about the gang and what happened to them, and why Chloe has the power to raise a zombie army!

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