Saturday, January 26, 2013

100 Book Challenge - Book 12 - The Reckoning

Book 12 / 100
Book: The Reckoning (Darkest Powers Trilogy #3)
Author: Kelley Armstrong
ISBN: 978-0-06-145056-3
Pages: 391

Picking up where The Awakening left off, Chloe and her friends have found a safe refuge with Andrew, a friend of the boy’s father. With the help of other supernaturals they start to understand a little more about their powers, and realize just how unpredictable they are, at least in Tori and Chloe’s cases, Simon and Derek however are shown to be successes, Simon cannot see other sorcerers and witches, and Derek is peaceful and calm and in control in wolf form.

While Chloe is being trained to control her powers, things go out of control and she begins to raise a cemetery, demonstrating in no uncertain terms that this group of supernaturals were something to be feared.

That act sends them down a path that leads straight back to the Edison Group, with several dead bodies littered along the way. Once there though, plans are made, old friends and new allies work together, but is it enough?

Rating… 4 out of 5 ghosts. This was a good story, but it didn’t really finish, it just kinda stopped. I have to wonder if there’s some bigger arc, maybe the author is planning a trilogy of trilogies that will complete the story… I will confess though, there were several points in the story where I began to wonder if any of them would make it out alive.

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